For the creditor

Debt management is for you, if you want it….

Engage in your core business: get and earn maximum profit, maintain a good internal working climate and team synergy. Value your resources - time, yourself, people and core values.


For the creditor

We assess the legal and operational risks associated with debt management and help mitigate and manage them:

Collaboratively, we develop and implement a sustainable operating environment from planning daily transactions to issuing invoices. In addition, we provide a reminder service for overdue invoices, as well as conduct extrajudicial or judicial debt proceedings and monitor the fulfillment of payment schedules.

We advise and train individuals/companies to implement and consolidate their economic activity sustainably.

In a joint effort, we help establish clear and transparent ‘rules’ for conducting transactions and credit management for all parties.

We help prevent exceptions from becoming rules.

We assess the content and legal basis of the debt claim and conduct debt proceedings for the full payment of the debt in extrajudicial and judicial debt proceedings:

We conduct negotiations as an ‘ombudsman/legal intermediary’ to pay off debts outside of debt proceedings, and to set conditions for establishing contractual relationships.

We conclude and monitor tripartite payment agreements, sureties, and promissory notes until their final fulfillment.

Koostame ja esitame võlanõuded põhivõlgnevuste ja kõikide kõrvalnõuete osas: viivised, intressid ja (kogu)võlgnevuse kustumised järjestuse määratlemisega, milles põhivõlgnevus kustub viimasena.

Aitame, tänu meeldetuletusteenusele, võlausaldajal tegeleda samaaegselt tema põhitegevusega. Seeläbi tõstame võlausaldaja mainet ja hoiame tema „kliendibaasi“ja lepingulisi partnereid. Anname järjepidevalt sõltumatut tagasisidet ettevõtte sisestest ja välistest tegevusprotsessidest:

Kõnekeskusest kontakteerume ja tuletame telefonikõnedega võlgnikele meelde tasumiskohustust, tähtaja ületanud arvete osas, teie ettevõtte töötajatena, mitte Securitatem Consult OÜ-na.

Teostame võlgnevuse tasumise korraldamist ja jälgimist kuni võlgnevuse lõpliku tasumiseni:

Maksegraafikutes, võlakirjades, -tunnistustes, käendustes ja kokkulepetes.

Kohtutäituri menetlustes.

For the creditor

Debt management


Defining the basis of the activity

  • Riskiaudit/ võlanõustamine
  • Tehingu eeltingimuste määratlemine
  • Üleste reeglite kehtestamine
  • Kahjude riskide vähendamine
  • Hilisemate nõudevõimaluste suurendamine


  • Kliendi nimel tehtav kõneteenus maksetähtaja ületamisel
  • Sõltumatu tagasidestus Kliendile tegelikusest
  • Kontaktide uuendamin
  • Sisekontrolli funktsioon protsesidest


  • Kohtuväline ehk inkassomenetlus
  • Kohtulik menetlus:
    • Maksekäsu kiirmenetlus
    • Hagimenetlus


  • Maksegraafikute ja muude kokkulepete täitmine
  • Kohtutäituri täitemenetluse täitmise jälgimine

To the creditor

Debt management is for you, if you want it….

To follow and develop good (business) practices, to promote (business) ethics and to respect our (business) partners, through transparent and daily functioning financial discipline – thereby reducing risks while maintaining a fiscally sound customer base. We ensure that debt management is an organic part of your (company’s) daily activities.

The activity of debt management is not a “thing of shame”, but shows the ability to organize one’s activities not only in this, but also in all other areas of activity. It is understandable that not everyone can, does not know how or does not want to work in this field: they lack the skills, opportunities or will. There is also no courage or desire to use external help. Even small arrears can add up to a large debt, and aimless previous actions can cause irreparable losses.

Proper planning and design of such processes is a big challenge. Let our experienced professionals do it. The wrong or unskilled use of good ideas can also lead to the opposite result than expected.

Securitetem Consult OÜ is member of Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and BNI International